Vung Tau – Cat Lai Ferry via Lakes

Vung Tau – Cat Lai Ferry via Lakes

Distance - 150 Kms

One of many inaccuracies I hear from foreigners here is that the ride to and from Saigon and Vung Tau is terrible. On the arterials yes, but this diverse farmland ride through rubber, corn, banana, pepper, sweet potato and cassava is relaxed and interesting. 

If you’re on a loop I likely had you on the river tracks down as it gets you out of the city traffic the quickest but this lakes run is my favourite. Be aware in wet season the trails through the rubber plantations are very slippery. 

Plenty of great deviations off this map too so if you have time, follow it loosely and enjoy some exploring. Many of the trails aren’t on maps but it doesn’t matter you’ll pick it up again later. 

(A) is a popular photo stop. Usually a lady set up there for a morning coffee too. 

(B) takes you on the beach road through a fishing village and marks where you turn inland to the rubber plantations 

(C) is a memorial cross in memory of the 18 Australian and 245 Vietnamese soldiers killed In the August 1966 Battle of Long Tan.  

(D) and (E) gets you to the next lake though casava and pepper crops. 

(F) A chocolate factory is your lunch stop on another lovely lake. Orders take a while but the food is good and the portion sizes very generous. 

(G) takes you past two more lakes and is the point we turn left on some trails. Nothing technical but easy to map around it if necessary. 

(H) is a random coffee shop marked only to take you around a favourite police haunt for their coffee indulgence. 

(I) on the ferry and if returning to our D2 shop just 13km dealing with most riders daily reality here. 

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